Why Should You Hire an experienced Divorce Lawyer?

If you are seeking a divorce from your spouse, it is essential to make an informed decision regarding the best way to settle the matter. This may include assessing whether alternative dispute resolution (ADR) processes such as mediation or collaborative divorce are appropriate for your situation. A highly-qualified Divorce Attorney in Sacramento can provide additional guidance in this regard.

A Divorce Mediation session is a meeting with a neutral third party who acts as an arbitrator and guides the parties through the process of settling their marital issues in a non-contested manner. Typically, each spouse will hire their own attorney to assist in the mediation sessions and prepare any necessary legal documents and agreement. This arrangement can greatly reduce the costs of a divorce, but it does require that both spouses enter the mediation process with a willingness to cooperate and work in good faith. If either spouse does not have this mindset, the results of a divorce mediation will likely be ineffective and costly.

Collaborative Law is a process in which both parties hire a trained collaborative lawyer to represent them in a series of meetings with their spouses and any other professionals who may be required to participate, such as child specialists, financial planners, and mental health professionals. During these face-to-face meetings, the spouses and their attorneys will discuss their interests and concerns in order to reach a resolution that meets everyone’s needs.

Both collaborative and mediation are effective processes that can significantly reduce the time, stress and expense of traditional litigation in family court. However, each divorce is unique and no single process will be right for every couple. A lack of cooperation between spouses, an imbalance of power or a history of domestic violence can all impair the success of ADR.

When determining the best course of action for your individual case, you should consult with a qualified Divorce Lawyer in Sacramento, CA. Our team assists clients in resolving all aspects of their divorce proceedings, including establishing parenting time, dividing property and assets, establishing paternity, and filing petitions for alimony and support. We can also help couples to pursue alternative dispute resolution options when the circumstances permit.

To learn more about the benefits of divorce mediation and collaborative law, contact a dedicated family lawyer at our firm. Hoss Khatami is available to speak with you in a free consultation and can review the best options for your situation. Call us today at 916-229-5390 or fill out our online form to schedule your appointment. We offer flexible appointments in downtown Sacramento. We also conduct videoconferencing and phone conferences with clients across California.

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